Millions of people around the world have trouble falling asleep. Such people have trouble concentrating on work during the day. They may feel groggy throughout the day or feel run down. There could be a lot of reasons behind insomnia. From different types of medications to stress, there are several reasons that can cause sleeplessness. It is however something that can be set right, provided you are determined enough to put in some efforts.
The first thing that you need to take a close look at is your bedroom. You need to make it sleep friendly. One of the first things that you need to remove from the bedroom is your computer and TV. Never make it a habit to watch TV for relaxing before you hit the bed. It will only make the condition worse. You should also make sure that the bedroom is dark with dim lighting.
Now, that you have made your bedroom sleep friendly, the next thing that you need to make sure is to establish a sleep routine. This is a very key part of beating insomnia. Your body has an in-built biological clock that keeps track of the internal body rhythms. You need to train it to go to sleep at a particular time and get up at a particular time. By depriving yourself of sleep you are making this biological clock to go haywire. It is only through good habits that the internal clock's timings are set right.
It is also important that you eat at least 2 hours before you hit the bed. You must also make it a point to eat something very light during dinners. If you were to eat something heavy, your body will be forced to keep you awake as it will be busy with the digestion process. Similarly, there are many who feel that alcohol might be the answer to insomnia. However, it is not the truth for it may actually prevent you from getting into deep sleep.
Then there is the exercise factor. Never make the mistake of exercising only a few hours before you hit the bed. This may actually prevent you from falling asleep, for your body will still be feeling the simulation from the workout. It is therefore always preferable to have a vigorous workout early in the evening or better still early in the morning.
Finally, you can also try out simple meditation for relaxing and driving away all the stress which can help you get a good night's rest.
A good night sleep is what every individual would basically wish for. Get rid of insomnia to enjoy your indulged sleep with these simple tips.
By Rizvana A
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